
Alkalize your body – food pH

There are 2 extreme opinions surrounding this topic – either you´ve already researched a lot about the food pH and you´re currently trying to incorporate this theory into your diet, or you´re just against it on principle because it´s denying many common notions about nutrition and accepting it would mean accepting that all we´ve ever […]

Healthy snacks – how they´re deceiving us

Everywhere you go, messages about healthy lifestyle including healthy eating pop out from around corners, and huge billboards try to attract you with organic, fresh, and local produce food grown naturally with love and so on… It almost seems like everybody wants us to be healthy, or maybe not? You cannot possibly avoid these claims […]

Poppy seeds

Here in Slovakia, poppy seeds are pretty popular – we use them in many cakes as a sweet paste or to add a crunchy texture, it´s a part of our Slavic culture and has its place in many festive dishes. Despite that, we have never really perceived poppy as a healthy food. Our moms used […]

Popular condiments – give your life flavor a healthier way

When you´re trying to eat healthily, you may not be such an expert in nutrition in order to prepare tasty treats for yourself. Naturally, eating unsalted raw or cooked vegetables doesn´t always seem to be the most delicious way to eat, and so eventually, you may end up pigging out on a sandwich with tons […]

Dates are coming back

Every day, some kind of a healthy recipe pops up onto my Facebook wall and usually contains one of these “super food” ingredients: coconut oil, quinoa, cocoa powder, buckwheat flour, oat milk, or dates. Especially cake recipes are all starting with dates to get them healthily sweet and stick the dough together. If you are […]

Winters´ coming – go chestnuts

When you take a walk around the city of Bratislava, at this time of year, you will start noticing mobile carts with cooked corn, jacket potatoes, and especially the popular roasted chestnuts. Since we are also fans of these fall/winter treats and we just love the season, here are some ideas why you should just […]

Palm oil – what´s behind the wave of hate

Lately I´ve been noticing more and more labels with a big “NO PALM OIL” sign on them besides the “non-GMO,” “vegan,” or “soy-free.” Even some articles appeared with an appeal to stop using palm oil in processed food industry to save rain forests and their inhabitants. I somehow automatically stopped eating stuff containing palm oil […]

100% cocoa coffee – that´s your healthy treat in fall

As days get shorter, it´s cold outside It´s the right time for hot chocolate tonight But what would your skinny self have to say? Drink your coffee, don´t get carried away! How to please both figure and tongue? Cocoa coffee will help you out! We all love that chocolaty taste of cocoa – rich and […]

Feed/Fast – a revolutionary diet that will save your health and figure

“Average woman spends 31 years on a diet.” As ridiculous as it may sound, a report released by Daily Mail states that these weight-obsessed women are counting calories approximately 180 days a year, and the most alarming matter is – we know it´s true! If you asked women in the street if they have ever […]

Dreaded corn as a healthy snack

There has always been some kind of controversy around corn. Women try to stay away from it because of its high-calorie content, some believe it´s fattening because pigs get fed by it, and then there´s this whole GMO dispute about the possible negative effects of genetically modified organisms on human health. There is something true […]