
Rice vs. Potatoes

When we were kids, we used to eat a lot of potatoes in our diet. We would get them served as a side dish with meaty meals or use them as a base in the (non)famous “Granatier,” “gypsy fried egg,” or a baked potato with butter and salt for dinner. On the other side of […]

Roasted hazelnuts

Would you like a snack that´s healthy, tasty, easy to take with you in a purse, and which is going to keep you slim? We´ve got it – roasted hazelnuts. Read on to find out its health-boosting qualities and weight-loss benefits. A whole lot of health benefits As you´re probably expecting, we´re going to show […]

Soy – precious crop for vegetarians & huge concern for society

Our world is overwhelmed with soy. It is present in chocolate bars and cakes but also in everyday grocery items like breakfast cereals, bread, or even some hams. You cannot be sure you´re buying a soy-free product unless you read every single label, whether it´s frozen vegetables or a bag of tea. Since 1990s when […]

Beetroot´s famous qualities

When you were a kid, you probably hated beetroot as much as your mom hated the stains it was leaving. Beetroot was always served as a side dish in school cantinas, its color was pretty but taste not so much. The problem was we only ate beetroot canned in vinegar which gave it a very […]

Vegan ice-cream – your healthy icy delight

Although summer is now definitely gone, our vegan ice-cream won´t abandon you. Even in the cold, its icy nature and delicious flavors will melt your heart. Just take a scoop and enjoy the rush of chocolaty brownie richness or a refreshing raspberry treat. How it all started The “Veganista” ice-cream you can enjoy in Mondieu […]

Chickpeas – better than a protein shake

Sadly, chickpea has been forgotten for many years. It is one of those foods that our grandmothers used to cook with on a daily basis but over time, it has been pushed out from our menus by fast food industry. The kids today know it only as a falafel bought in the street-food stall or […]

Fructose – Athlete´s best friend and the worst enemy of office workers!

Just a few decades ago, we were a nation of healthy and skinny people. Majority of adults were taking a bike ride to work and exercising just for fun. Parents were playing with their kids outside and burning calories without even knowing it. What has changed? The communist/socialist regime that was prevalent in countries around […]


1. Plantations According to botanists, cocoa trees have been growing wildly already in a year 4000 BC, around the Amazonian river. Mayans were probably the first to start growing cocoa trees and   process cocoa beans to prepare the energizing drink. The conditions at plantations are the same as in a natural forest. Tall trees […]

White killer

It´s almost everywhere and it silently destroys us. Naturally, our bodies need salt but we eat much more than is necessary. The recommended amount is only one teaspoon which is approximately 5 grams but we unwillingly consume much more of it. We don´t even realize what a huge amount of salt is contained in ordinary […]

Asparagus – a spring champion

This amazing vegetable queen can be prepared in so many ways that you can never get enough of it. Besides water which takes up the most of its share, it contains almost everything our bodies need. Let´s see – it has protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins A, B, C, E, K, […]